
Mobile Applications


Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerlicher

Course Material is available here: http://ma.pages.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de



Every project can achieve up to 100 point (50 points are required to pass). The grades (points) are given based on the following criteria:

Topic Description Maximum Points
Analysis & Concept Creativity, context analysis, SOTA, conceptualisation, requirement analysis 10
Specification & Design Specification including personas, user-stories, user-scenarios, paper prototypes 10
Implementation This can includes low-fidelity and high fidelity prototypes or software-prototypes with readable code, comments, testing, architecture, UI/UX and Design, versioning, tooling, documentation. The final result is to be agreed on during the project 15
Evaluation & Deployment Conducted user-testing using different methods such as focus groups, questionaires (e.g. Attrakdiff, UEQ), documentation and analysis of results for next iteration, presentation of results 15
Project management Ambitious but realistic goal formulation, project tracking, communication with team & professors 10
Presentation (MediaNight and / or project partners) Final presentation that contains the following elements:
  • Intro & research question
  • State of the art in this research field (what do others do? is there any scientific literature and/or theory?)
  • Our research approach
  • The results
  • Discussion of the results
  • Outlook
  • 10
    Demovideo Video in English that describes content, approach and insights 10
    Project Documentation Problem statement & research question, state of the art analysis, method, results, ) 10
    Own Contribution project contribution, reflection & learnings of each team member, documented in project documentation. Example: if less than normal contribution to the project is made, 0 points. If someone is overwhelmingly contributing in comparison to others even more than 10 points are possible (personal bonus). Maximal 20 points can be achieved here. The standard is 10 points ( = team grade ). General rule: each team member is graded individually, so if someone does not contribute at all or even hinders the project or is having a negative influence the over all grade can be completely different to the project grade. 10
    Total = 1,0 100

    The detailed requirements can be different depending on your course of studies and the corresponding learning goals. For example: a part of the team develops a software prototype, while another part conducts an advanced user research study. Both is then graded as implementation part.


    Git Repo

    What we want from you to grade your project:

    1. URL to Gitlab repo in the ma group: https://gitlab.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/groups/ma
    2. README.md in the repo that contains:
      • Project name
      • Project members (Full name, id)
      • Short introduction about the project
      • Setup and install instructions
    3. If possible make it docker-compose ready: docker-compose up should run the full stack
    4. Final presentation and documentation as PDF in the repo

    Using the laboratory